Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finally Back!

After a few years, off I'm back; a little the worse for wear, but basically intact.

I haven't touched a block of clay in almost 3 years and so much has happened. There are dozens of new techniques, new artists and inspiring work being done by the established maestros. It's an exciting time to be jumping back in.

I was originally going to feature emerging polymer artists on this blog but, I don't have the time. Between taking care of my mother, trying to resolve our medical issues, finding a new job and attempting to get back to claying I'm strapped for time. I told my daughter my plan to start claying and she gave me my first commission. My daughter is going to Galley Con in LA early next year and she wants 'tiny 10th Doctor's TARDIS earrings'. I'll be posting on how it's going...,


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